WMT Discusses Data on Life in the Front Office Podcast

Leigh Wojtkiewicz and Nicole Friesenhahn discuss careers in the sports industry and the growing importance of data & analytics.

WMT’s Leigh Wojtkiewicz and Nicole Friesenhahn joined the Life in the Front Office podcast where they discuss the agency side of the sports and their own career journeys.

They talk about the importance of building relationships to drive long-term career growth, what it’s like to be part of the Women Worth Following Institute, and advice for those looking to break into the industry.

Leigh and Nicole cover WMT’s emphasis on data utilization and its commitment to driving the sports industry forward as a whole. They also discuss their transition from roles at household name sports teams to the agency side of sports and the benefits of working with many different teams, challenges, and strategies.

Leigh: “If you sit in an agency setup, a conference, a league, or a multi-partner setup, it changes your toolbox, your experience, and what you can pull out of your bag of tricks, significantly. We have the time to sit and think about these hard problems, our partners don't always have that time.”

Nicole: “The ability and the time to research and communicate is what truly gets the ideas brewing and helps formulate strategy. At the end of the day, we're there to strategize for our partners on how to be an innovative partner.”

Check out the podcast for the full conversation with Leigh and Nicole.